Roy Wills
About Roy
I‘m Roy, thank you for reading my page.
I live near York, with my wife, daughter, her partner and our grandson, not to mention three cats ( one of whom is a bit mad) and a whippet! I have a very wide range of interests which, unsurprisingly, include travel.
I may well be one of the oldest working travel agents in the country, having joined BOAC (now British Airways) when I was 18, way back in 1960! But I'm very fit for my age and retain a youthful enthusiasm for giving the best, impartial advice and making the finest possible arrangements for my clients. I've worked for airlines and tour operators, as well as travel agencies, and am delighted to be part of the team at Designer Travel where I have the opportunity to do what I love doing on a daily basis: booking flights and holidays.
Needless to say, I have acquired an enormous amount of knowledge about many destinations over the years and I look forward to sharing that with you. My main areas of expertise are the Indian subcontinent - over 40 trips - and the Far East, where I have visited almost every major country at least once (and Thailand a lot more) over 20 trips all told.
In November 2015, I visited Kenya and now have personal knowledge of wonderful game lodges in Masai Mara National Park and some of the superb beach resorts on the coast.
Nearer to home, I'm a great enthusiast for Italy and Greece (where my photo was taken) and the Portuguese island of Madeira. I'm also more than competent at putting carefully made itineraries together for Australia/N Z, South Africa, North and South America.
Like everyone at Designer Travel, I make a special point of finding out as much as I can about your travel preferences (along with the sometimes less obvious dislikes) to ensure that you enjoy your perfect journey and travel experience.
I look forward to hearing from you.
My Articles
Kenya Blog Part 1, London to Lake Naivasha in 24 hours!
by Roy Wills
One of the extraordinary privileges of being in the travel business is that, occasionally, you get t... -
One Night in Bangkok and...!
by Roy Wills
You exit from the Sala Daeng Sky Train station and, with the Central Department Store behind you, cr... -
Time Travel in Sri Lanka
by Roy Wills
After a couple of days in Colombo, Sri Lanka's pleasant capital, we visited the ancient Buddhist sit... -
The River Kwai Experience
by Roy Wills
Heading west, out of Bangkok we made a short stop to see Nakorn Pathom, the tallest pagoda in Thaila... -
Rajasthan - Palaces, Forts and Royalty
by Roy Wills
"We need binoculars to locate the bathroom", I joked, once we had settled into our room at the Umaid... -
Ferry enjoyable, ferry impressive!
by Roy Wills
It may seem an odd thing to be writing about ferries and, in a way, it is. But something that many y...