Heritage Awali - Day 3 part 2

Heritage Awali - Day 3 part 2

So, this afternoon we explored Le Telfair, another of Heritage's wonderful resorts. Colonial in design and style, it is truly a magnificent resort. It is elegant and sophisticated without being ostentatious... We were welcomed by the lovely Kathy and shown around by the equally lovely Ian...their enthusiasm for their hotel was captivating...and they have every reason to proud of it.... There are so many special features, and 'wows' around every corner, quite a few (all gorgeous) room categories and board basis' so I intend to write and post a full review of Le Telfair in the near future. Suffice to say that their staff are committed to giving their guests a very special holiday experience, and from what I could see they more than achieve it... That of course is also true of the Awali....the commitment to customer satisfaction is evident everywhere. Indeed it is a recurring theme of many reviews you find on Trip Advisor....one of my clients tells me it is the one holiday he didn't want to go home from.... praise indeed! Dinner tonight was at Infinity Blue again, it was a delight! Clive has remarked at how flavoursome every dish in every restaurant is....you will know how menus often list their ingredients and it is often only the strongest ones you can taste... well not here...it's as if the flavours are layered into the dishes in such a way to ensure they share 'equal billing!'...I can't think of another way to describe it! Tomorrow night we are due to dine at the Indian restaurant, Zafarani, whose reputation goes before it. Someone on Trip Advisor has described it as the best Indian food he ever tasted, even better than in India!....so we are anticipating another wow! So, that's day 3 over... the one thing missing from this wonderful place is...a little sunshine.

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