Fun days in Curacao

Fun days in Curacao

My family and I docked in the port of Curacao on a beautiful October day. Although we were docked in the Caribbean this port was like no other we had ever seen. With it's Dutch flavoured architecture and Caribbean coloured buildings it was a sight to behold. We disembarked the ship and made our way through the port shopping area into a fabulously vibrant port. A colourful array of shops and restaurants and a bustling market surrounded us. I am sure we will purchase some must have souvenirs later. From here we had a great view of the Queen Emma Pontoon Bridge which connects the Punda and Otrabanda districts of Willemstad. As we are taking in our surroundings we here some fabulous reggae music coming from a beaten up old American school bus. We were approached by a lovely local tour guide asking if we would like to join his island tour, it turned out the hippy bus belonged to him. We joined the tour and embarked on a fabulous adventure. Taking in all of the highlights of Curacao in a day that we will never forget. We departed Willemstad and headed to the Curacao distillary to sample some of the local liquer and very nice it was too. We toured the factory seeing the production and bottling process. From here our guide took us on a tour of the Island pointing out places of interest along the way. Such as the unique market boats on the river, the Spanish bay which is a protected bay where people from all over the Caribbean Moor their yachts during hurricane season. We were also told some wonderful tales of the Island including why the buildings are all different colours. Our guide also pointed out some wild iguanas in the hedgerows on the roadside. So our journey continued listening to reggae music along the way with local children waving us on as we passed by. Next stop was the beach for some chill out time and a visit to see the sea lions in the bay. Then back on board what had now become a disco bus with strobe lighting and Caribbean music for our party on route back to the port. Once back in the port we said our goodbye's and headed back towards the ship, the harbour was now all alight looking magical in the darkness of the night. Once back on board we reflected on a what had been a fantastic day. To here more about Curacao or any other destination that interests you give me a call.

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