Cruising, a holiday like no other
Cruising, a holiday like no other
I started to travel on cruises when I was young and only because my mother worked at P&O so had an employee discount. We often didn’t know we were travelling until a couple of days before the ship sailed, depending on availability of unsold cabins. Cruising was my first ever holiday outside of the UK and I remember it well. It was a cruise from Southampton on P&O’s beloved old ship SS Canberra to Barcelona, Naples, Istanbul, Athens and Alicante before it sailed back to Southampton. I was in awe when we docked at Barcelona …we’re abroad!
Cruising holidays were different back then. There weren’t as many cruise ships and experiences as there are now. They were often expensive and out of reach for most people’s pockets. One thing they have in common with today though is they’ve always been fun and for anyone who hasn’t been on one, you’re missing out! When I talk about cruising, I hear people say, “I don’t think cruising is for me”. When I ask why I get a range of answers from, “I don’t want to feel trapped on a boat where I can’t get off” What if I don’t like the other passengers?”, “I might get seasick”, “I don’t think it’s for my generation” or “I might get bored”.
Cruising has changed over the years and now there’s a cruise to suit just about everyone. As for getting trapped, if you’re on one of the bigger ships, they’re often nearly the size of a small town. There’s so much to do both on and off the ship when in port, so there’s very little time to get bored. I find cruising not relaxing at all but that’s because I choose to do things and make the most of what there is to offer. You don’t have to of course and it’s entirely down to personal taste.
Some people choose not to leave the ship when in port so they have the ship to themselves while others are exploring. I’ve heard some say “you can take me nowhere and I would be happy to stay on the ship because the experience is so good”. A few years ago, we travelled on a cruise to nowhere. It was just after Covid when cruises started moving again and the ship was not allowed to dock anywhere but the captain made sure that we followed the sun on the week-long trip south. We travelled with friends from Southampton towards Santander in Spain without docking and still had a great time.
If anyone is unsure if it’s for them why not try a mini cruise for just a few nights before setting sail on a 7 or 14 night holiday? It gives a flavour of cruising and highlights what some of the bigger ships offer in terms of facilities, entertainment, food and drink. I find that with cruising, once bitten, forever smitten. Although some people might like to cruise all the time and never do a land-based holiday again, people who have been on just one may well choose another in their lifetime.
The value of cruising today is exceptional. The restaurants, bars, entertainment, activities and wonderful staff make it a holiday to remember. I like cruising from a UK port because after arriving at the port and passing through the security checks, you’re on board and your holiday starts immediately. You could be sitting in the bar, having a nice lunch, exploring the ship while waiting for your luggage to arrive. The first thing I like to do is explore the ship and try to familiarise myself where everything is. The larger ships usually take a day or so to navigate if you haven’t travelled on the ship before. In the evening it’s Sail Away and you can enjoy a glass of something and venture out on deck to say goodbye to the UK. It feels special and a holiday like no other.
From a new experience such as the important lifejacket drill to getting a taster of the entertainment with West End show performances at sea, films, music, comedy, it is a different type of holiday. There could be one day, two days or more at sea between ports or wake up in a different port every day and find yourself in a new country! Cruising is an opportunity to visit places you’ve never been and might decide to stay longer next time on another holiday. Most ships stay in port for a day from early morning and leaving early evening so it’s important to be back on board in plenty of time. The last thing you ever want to do is miss the boat. Cruise ships are experienced with tours to make the most of each port and there are lots to choose from. If exploring independently, it’s good to plan and ensure you know how long you have before returning to the ship.
On sea days there are plenty of things to do if you want to take part. There could be yoga, a dance class, the gym, play deck quoits, attend a port talk for the next stop, a wine tasting or culinary experience, visit the bridge, the galley to see where food is prepared or sit in on deck with a cocktail by the pool, read in the library or browse the shop/s. Once my husband did a PADI course that was offered and then took his dives in port.
Cruising experiences range from the bigger ships with lots of facilities and more passengers to smaller ships with a higher ratio of staff per passenger. The latter has the advantage of more deck space, less busy restaurants although the choices of experience maybe limited by the size of the ship. There’s different experiences for all ages and everyone is well catered for. For those up for real adventure and ships that can reach smaller ports around the world, there are many opportunities for adventure and explorer cruises. If travellers don’t want the glitz and glamour, there are cruises that offer a more relaxed and casual experience. Finally let’s not forget river cruises as these are a great way to explore cities, serenely sailing down the great rivers of the world.
If you would like to know more about cruising, have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and see if I can help you with a cruise or other land-based holiday. At Designer Travel we work with hundreds of tour operators to help you plan your next holiday, so we do the heavy lifting and take the hard work out of the search. angiemee@designertravel.co.uk
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