Southwest USA - Part One Denver to Moab

Southwest USA - Part One Denver to Moab

SOUTHWEST USA – Road Trip Diary

Part One – Week One Denver to Moab

MONDAY - flew from LHR to Denver, Colorado with British Airways.
We met up with my group of friends we all arrived at various times and places. We collected our cars- a Grand Cherokee 6-seater and a Chrysler Mini Van 7-seater.
Both are roomy and perfect for the job! We drove from the airport to just outside Estes Park staying in a motel for the night, nothing fancy – as we just wanted a bed for the night.

TOP TIP – when booking a car think about the number of adults and bags for comfort. Even though there were 8 of us we got 2 large cars to ensure comfort and flexibility.

TUESDAY - up at 0700 and ready to go! We had researched before leaving the Uk for any historic or unusual things to see. The Stanley Hotel was high on our list – it is where Stephen King wrote The Shining. I managed to do my impression from the film in one of the corridors. ‘Redrum, Redrum’!! Which amused the group.
Brekkie at The Stanley Hotel – oh wow!
One of the best brekkies I have ever had, although we didn’t stay here, I would highly recommend it – stunning views, really atmospheric. Terrific service.
Afternoon – Emerald Lake Walk in Rocky Mountain National Park. We hadn’t realised we needed timed entry! Rookie error, thankfully we found out a couple of days before so managed to get a time slot. Emerald Lake was a shock! The ascent was quite steep and as we were so high the oxygen was low! We climbed to over 10000 feet! It was worth if but it was slow going.
I recommend lots of water and maybe looking at a walk that is less well travelled – it was very busy!

TOP TIP – Many US NP’s have timed entries for vehicles. You need to book online the night before – times open after 1900 and you will and pay $2. Or you can book months in advance.
It’s not ideal but it keeps numbers down so there is less impact on the environment.

TOP TIP – if you plan to visit more than 2 National Parks it is better to buy the annual pass at $80 saves you money. You can then book a further trip to the USA to a different area with more National Parks.

TOP TIP – high altitude and pine trees – go slowly as oxygen is lacking – plenty of water. gen is minimal. I get quite breathless when there is pine pollen! It’s always handy to have antihistamines with you or if you have an inhaler – Make sure you have it to hand!
We continued our journey over the Rockies the scenery is stunning a really amazing drive. Including stopping for photo opportunities especially at the Continental Divide.
We reached our Cabin in the woods! Granby, Colorado.
Hotels are few and far between in some areas of the USA and with 8 of us hiring a cabin, cottage house, yurt etc allowed us to be more social and to cook for ourselves.

WEDNESDAY – Horse riding Western Style! Met our wrangler, Travis from Thunder Horse Outfitters. Really knowledgeable guide, and the horses were really well looked after in fact most were rescued from kill pens. Travis is passionate about his horses and their health.
We rode western style into the mountains, where there had been a fire 4 years ago, the aspens were beginning to grow back, such a contrast with the burnt and the new growth.

Top Tip – even if you don’t ride you can when it's Western style – it's comfier. Sit back and enjoy. Three of my party had never ridden before. The horse only walks. The terrain is too tricky for anything else! All you have to do is listen to the guide- lean forward uphill and backwards downhill!

THURSDAY - the group split in two and went on different walks. One to Cascade Falls in the Rocky Mountains National Park and one around a Grand Lake on the edge of the National Park. The group met up for lunch in Grand Lake – a very typical Western-style town – with a boardwalk. Nice shops with local crafts.
Terrific lunch in the Sagebrush BBQ and Grill which was recommended.

FRIDAY – moving on the day! Packed up and on the road by 0800 as it was a 5-hour drive to our next 3-day stop in Moab. Utah. A stunning drive through steep-sided canyons and twisting roads. We stopped partway for a break and switch over of drivers. We made sure we went to a local town off the highway and supported the local community. We found a lovely independent café with amazing coffee and cinnamon buns.
Everywhere you go the locals ask where you are from – and as soon as you say Manchester it's always City or United! To be fair it was quite a surprise in this small town and most Americans are not huge soccer fans!

UTAH – every state has a huge ‘welcome to’ sign Its obligatory to stop and take a photo.
We rolled into Moab and found our accommodation around 1500 in time for a quick dip in the pool then out to dinner.
Moab Brewery –I first visited when 26 years ago! After my dad had capsized in the Colorado when rafting. It’s one of my favourite places for a beer. They sell Dead Horse Ale and other craft brews! The burgers are epic!

SATURDAY – up at 0445! Yes!! Set off at 0515 to get to Mesa Arch for sunrise. This is a MUST get there early as it gets busy with all those who want a photo opportunity. We arrived about 40 mins before sunrise and were not the first there.
I sat on top of the arch and watched the sun come up over the desert. It's one of those places you will never forget. Everyone said it was special.
From here we drove to Arches National Park – we had our timed entry for 0900 and had our walking route planned.
Delicate Arch – it's often a sunset walk, its about 2 km to walk – gently uphill over slickrock so you need decent shoes or trainers.
We set off at 0930 and it was already heating up.
It’s a stunning walk a little challenging for those who don’t like heights.
Amazing photo opportunities!
We picnicked in the park then made our way via lots more scenic opportunities to our accommodation to relax and enjoy the pool.

SUNDAY – we all had a quiet day – reading and relaxing. Lunch at the food truck park in Moab and a visit to the shops. Moab has some quirky shops with lots of choices for presents.
MONDAY – rafting Colorado – the last time I rafted was on the Zambezi and I nearly died! The company assured me there was no way would happen as only grade 1 and 2 rapids. They were right!
Five of the group decided to undertake the trip! ‘One forward! One forward, and another, our guide Caleb, would shout.
We got a little splashed, but no one fell out and it was good fun!

TOP TIP - if you are nervous - ask what grade the rapids are.
I have done 1 - 6.
1 is gentle - 6 is professional.
The Colorado at this time of year was a 1 and 2 - it can get up to 3 - 4.
I am happy with anything up to a 3 after that I am out! (usually out of the boat)

check out part two - Moab to Las Vegas ...

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