Safe and secure

Safe and secure

As we live our lives through technology, it may be wise to take a minute and think about what we post on social media sites. Quite often, the times we post most of our photos and messages are when we are relaxed and enjoying ourselves on holiday. However, is this the wisest of decisions? The security of our home is important so it is time to think outside the box about it when we travel:
  • Post photos and messages of your holiday on your social media sites when you return.
  • Did you know that many insurance companies will check your Facebook; Instagram and other social platforms to see if there are posts/photos whilst you are on holiday and can void claims based on 'Undue Care'
  • Get to know your Local Community Officer and advise them if you are going away. For lengthy absences, consider asking a friend to house sit or engage the services of a professional company such as
  • If you have a pet, consider a pet minding service, often the two can be combined and be financially beneficial.
  • Set a timer to switch the lights and radio on and off at times when you would normally be in during the evening.
  • Speak to a close, trusted neighbour, give them the alarm PIN and details of who to contact. If you are away for a longer trip, ask them to cut the grass and take in the free papers; put out the rubbish bins (even if it's non necessary)
  • Make sure any outdoor security light is working correctly and shed and garages are secure too.
It is cliche but better to be safe than sorry!  

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