Our Sustainability Policy

Our Sustainability Policy

At Designer Travel we are committed to playing their part in helping to address the climate emergency.

As one of the country’s leading homeworking businesses, we know we have a responsibility to take every step possible to help our environment. We have taken our first steps on our environmental journey and we look forward to making further progress over the coming months.

Here is an update on what we have achieved or are achieving so far…. The travel industry must play an active role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As a travel agent we work closely with our supplier partners to understand their approach to sustainability. We pro-actively, factor-in, suppliers’ green credentials and policies when we prepare quotes and assist customers with their decision-making process. Our customers want to discover just what our amazing planet has to offer and we want to help them achieve that goal and it’s part of our role to help our customers make the choices that are right for them and the planet. Being environmentally mindful is a key pillar of our values.

Young people are at the forefront of the climate change effort, we want to ensure that their children and grandchildren can have as much enjoyment from our planet as we do. At Designer Travel, we distributed an enriching, child-friendly storybook to our customers called “Little Steps…Big Impact” featuring Moyo the elephant, to inform them of what they can do to protect the planet while on holiday. Not only does this reinforce our stance on being more sustainable and highlight our efforts to our customers, but it will also educate the younger generation about the need to be more eco-friendly when travelling.

Our ‘Little Steps…Big Impact’ storybook goes through all the practical, basic steps travellers can take to make a real difference. From reusing your towels in the hotel; drinking from reusable bottles on excursions; or not leaving the tap running while brushing your teeth, we know that these little changes contribute to the greater goal: preserving our planet for generations to come.

Our exceptional homeworkers fast becoming sustainability enthusiasts; we host weekly webinars and now include an update from each supplier about their green credentials. We know which brands take sustainability seriously and this helps to ensure that we remain environmentally conscious with every decision we make regarding a client’s travel arrangements. Our work with tour operator partners who respect the local culture and conserve the incredible ecosystems that thrive in the hot countries we love to travel to, benefit from an increased level of interest from customers.

We try hard to recommend Wildlife trusts who officially endorse the wildlife experiences that we promote to ensure that we are not contributing to the destruction of precious habitats. Last Christmas every staff member at Designer Travel received a gift, each of which paid for two bottles of milk to feed baby elephants at Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya. We care about our customers, but we also care about our destinations. Reducing paper usage is one of the easiest things we can do as a company to save valuable natural resources. Our homeworkers offer electronic documentation to clients to reduce paper waste. As a business we are working towards having a sustainability policy that is practicable for a travel agent to deliver and truly makes a difference. We want to treat the environment with the same care and consideration as we do our discerning clients. Whilst continuing to deliver an award-winning personal holiday service.

At Designer Travel, we do things differently.


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