5th February 2019 Episode 1 9pm ITV Martin Clunes Islands Of America

5th February 2019 Episode 1 9pm ITV Martin Clunes Islands Of America

5th February 2019 Episode 1 9pm ITV Martin Clunes Islands Of America I am going to enjoy watching as he sets off on a 10,000 mile journey, island hopping around the USA from the west to the east, to explore the vast collection of islands which are around America coast. He travels from Hawaii’s islands to Alaska’s islands of snow and ice, to what is known as the playgrounds of presidents off the New England coast. Oh Wow!! seeing Martin Clunes on the start of this amazing journey and seeing it the tropical Hawaii. Through his eyes, the tourist paradise of Hawaii with sun-kissed beaches and world class surfing, and the heartbreaking havoc on Big Island wreaked by advancing lava fields and smoking craters but these islands would not be here if it was not for the Volcanos. Martin flew over and arrived just as one of the most heartbreak eruptions in Hawaii’s history hits worldwide news. The Lava from Kilauea, one of the world’s most active volcanoes, on the southernmost Big Island destroying homes as it continues to spread. Residents have to be evacuated to temporary shelters. Martin Clunes meets and speaks to the people who have lost their homes and businesses and who are all relying on the charity of other islanders for the bare essentials to survive while the still the unstoppable progress of the black wall of molten lava wipe out everything in its path. Wow!! island of Molokai is just a short hop away from the popular Waikiki Beach, yet it’s a whole world apart. It sits at eastern end is Halawa Valley beautiful isolated spot sacred to traditional Hawaiians, Polynesian ancestors settled here 1,000 years ago and is one of the oldest inhabited human settlements in Hawaii. Martin Clunes meets a man whose family who has never left this valley, even after the devastating Tsunami in 1946. He learnt how they have farmed there for centuries and sees how they still practice the same techniques as they farm and fish to live in this lush and sacred beautiful historic landscape. Following this first program it has opened up so many views of Hawaii and shows you there is a place on everyone's bucket list now to go and see, He then leaves Hawaii in a tiny sea plane and flies 2,500 miles north to the islands of Alaska, where the views and contrast couldn’t have been more extreme, Stunning Kodiak the biggest of Alaska’s islands, he has gone in search of the legendary Kodiak bear Isolated from mainland bears since the last Ice Age 12,000 years ago the world’s biggest brown bear he set up camp the next morning they waited then he saw mother and her two cubs then he sees eight more unbelievable that they grow bigger than the Grizzly Bear. After meeting locals and trip on a fishing boat with a sea priest he visited the remote Spruce Island and the small chapel Saint Herman located at Monk's Lagoon of Alaska Russian Orthodox monk from Valaam Monastery in Russia who travelled with eight other monks in 1793 to bring the Gospel to the native Aleuts and Eskimos in the Aleutian Islands. As part of the Russian colonization of the Americas, This has been an amazing first episode and seeing part we have only read about and seeing through someone else eye who has a passion for travel and adventure, This is my views and notes of tonight's episode It you are looking to Travel to Hawaii Alaska or  would like to travel the Islands of America Give me a Call Debbie 01323844630 07913304716 Email : debbie@deignertravel.co.uk

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